Tons of Refrigeration
TR - Tons of Refrigeration - It Is a unit of refrigeration. -The rating of a refrigeration machine is given by a standard unit of refrigeration called Ton of Refrigeration. -One a ton of refrigeration (1TR) means the capacity to freeze 1 ton of water from and at 0’ in 24 Hrs. It's important to note that the freezing or melting of the ice represents a change-of-state only, which is considered a transfer of latent heat, as opposed to a change in temperature which is a transfer of sensible heat . Calculation • In USA 1 ton is taken as 2000lbs and its latent of fusion 144 B.Th. U/ lb (334.9 KJ/Kg). 1 TR = (2000x144)/24 = 12000 B Th U/ hr ...